A Visa brand credit card with all of the perks of LINE Pay, the Visa LINE Pay credit card (P+) can be used in over 200 countries and regions around the world.
Visa LINE Pay credit card (P+) perks
• Make payments at LINE Pay merchants without adding money to your LINE Pay balance in advance.
• Earn back 5% of your purchase totals as Points for Add & Pay code payments.
- Code payments using the Scan option to read codes displayed at PayPay merchants and Tappiness payments will also earn you Points.
- You can earn up to 500 Points per month.
- Online payments and Pay bill payments will not earn you Points.
• Earn back 0.5% of your purchase total as Points with your credit card for purchases made at Visa merchants.
Note: There is no limit on how many Points you can earn.
About LINE Points eligibility
You'll earn Point rewards after linking your Visa LINE Pay credit card (P+) to LINE Pay.
Note: You will not receive Points if your card isn't linked to your LINE Pay account.
About the annual credit card fee
There are no annual fees.
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