Rubies are a currency used to purchase Feathers or Coins.
Rubies are also used to summon Rare Rangers with special powers to help you during battle.
You can purchase Rubies by tapping the + button next to the number of Rubies on the top of the game screen.
To purchase Rubies, you are redirected to the Market, and will be paid using your payment details.
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You can use your in-game money to purchase items,
pay for Ranger level-up and upgrade attributes such as weapon and mineral.
You can earn Coins through gameplay or purchase them using your Rubies.
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A Feather is a play ticket that is used to play one game of LINE Rangers.
Consumed Feathers will replenish one by one after a set amount of time.
100 Friend Points can also be consumed to replenish 1 Feather.
Consuming 10 Rubies will replenish Feathers to their maximum amount.
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Gems are items you get by playing in particular game modes, and are used to buy things in the Gem Shop.
Here's where you can get Gems:
- Guild Wars
- Guild raids
- Event Stages
You'll also be able to get Gems in other ways such as by playing certain events and in other game modes. All these Gems will be available for use in the Gem Shop.
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