Please contact us via the Inquiry Form.
For inquiries related to tickets, please provide us with the following information. If you do not answer the following completely, it may take us longer to assist you.
1. What is your registered information on LINE?
Phone number:
Email address:
2. What is the name of the ticket(s) you purchased?
3. How many tickets did you purchase?
4. When did you purchase the ticket(s)?
5. Please send us a screenshot of the confirmation email or purchase history for the relevant ticket(s).
6. What was your order number and method of payment?
For steps on how to check your order number and payment method for each service used, please refer to the following.
App Store
Please provide us with your iTunes Store order number.
Google Play
Please provide us with the order number that was included in the payment confirmation email sent by Google Play, or the Transaction ID that can be found in the transaction details from Google Wallet.
Google Wallet
If you have forgotten your login information for Google Wallet, please contact Google directly for assistance.
From Purchase History on LINE STORE, please check the relevant item and tell us which payment method you used.
E.g. Purchased with LINE Credit
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- Do not enter any personal information.
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