Search Help articles

    Publishing on WEBTOON Canvas

    What is Canvas?

    How do I start publishing on Canvas?

    How do I put music/gif/animations into my series?

    How do I save a draft?

    How old do I have to be to publish?

    Who owns the content I publish on Canvas?

    What does it mean to be a WEBTOON Original?

    How are Originals chosen from Canvas?

    Why was my series taken down?

    What is the process of restoring my series after it was taken down?

    Someone is posting my series on WEBTOON without my permission.

    Where is the ‘Publish’ button?

    My files aren’t uploading.

    Can I upload CANVAS episodes using Internet Explorer?

    What if the file size of my thumbnail is larger than the upload limit?

    How do I create my profile page?

    My profile page suddenly disappeared.

    How do I write a post?

    My post suddenly disappeared.

    How do I edit my profile?

    My profile picture disappeared.

    When do I receive notifications about my profile page?

    My series does not appear on my profile page.

    Help center

