If you live in Japan
Some of the ads run by LINE and/or third party advertisers use the internal identifier assigned to your LINE account when swapping out ads.
You can disable these ads by changing the ad tracking preferences in your device settings or your LINE account settings.
If you live outside of Japan
The ads run by LINE and/or our partner companies as well as third party advertisers may include those that use your device's advertising identifier and the internal identifier assigned to your LINE account when swapping out ads.
You can disable these ads by changing the ad tracking preferences in your device settings or your LINE account settings.
Changing your device settings
Check the following guides to disable ad tracking on your OS.
Note: If you are using an iOS version earlier than 14.5, contact your mobile phone retailer or Apple directly for assistance with disabling ad settings.
Changing your LINE account settings
To stop receiving ads on LINE across all your devices that share the same LINE account, follow the steps below.
1. Tap the Home tab > Settings > Privacy.
2. Tap Ad settings, then turn Use my LINE identifier to personalize ads OFF.
- Depending on which version of LINE you're using, this setting may not be available. Please
update to the latest version to access this setting.
- If you're unable to access the Use my LINE internal identifier to personalize ads setting, you can disable all ad tracking associated with your usage of LINE services by disabling ad tracking in your device settings.
- It may take some time for these changes to take effect after opting out of interest based ads.
- Changes to these settings won't affect ad personalization based on your interests, demographics, or visit history.
Let us know if we can make it better.
- Do not enter any personal information.
- We cannot respond to comments received from this form.