Maximum amount of KAIA that can be traded within one hour
KLAY 300,000
No limit
- KAIA's price rate is calculated based on the order status at overseas exchanges that handle KAIA.
- As of August 29, 2024, the current ticker symbol for the crypto asset KAIA is KLAY.
- Due to the transfer to KAIA on August 29, 2024, services such as the buying/selling of KAIA have been stopped. We will reopen these services once preparations are complete. For the latest information, see Automatic transfer to KAIA (KLAY) has been completed. (Only available in Japanese.)
For more information related to trading KAIA, see the links below.
Note: Features for sending/receiving KAIA are currently being prepared.
There are no overall limits on how much KAIA you can buy and sell, or on your total balance and purchase amounts.
- The maximum amount of KAIA that can be bought or sold within one hour on the brokerage is KLAY 300,000. No such limit applies on the exchange.
- The maximum trading amount per transaction on the exchange is KLAY 100,000.
- As of August 29, 2024, the current ticker symbol for the crypto asset KAIA is KLAY.
- The buying/selling of KAIA (KLAY) on the brokerage is currently being prepared.
For further details related to trading KAIA, refer to the following Help article.
Limits on brokerage trading
There's an hourly limit on the total number of KAIA trades that you can make on the brokerage. If you've traded over KLAY 300,000 on the brokerage in the last hour, your trading will be restricted until the amount you've traded within the last hour falls below KLAY 300,000. This limit applies to buy transactions and sell transactions separately.
- The above amount is subject to change without notice based on market conditions, liquidity, and other factors.
- The buying/selling of KAIA on the brokerage is currently being prepared.
Limits on exchange trading
There are no hourly trade limits on the exchange.
Note: As of August 29, 2024, the current ticker symbol for the crypto asset KAIA is KLAY.
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KAIA is only available to send and receive with DOSI. Features to send and receive it with other services are currently being prepared.
- When you send or receive a crypto asset, it is transferred as is to or from another wallet.
- Please send and receive KAIA with the DOSI app.
- Transactions using KAIA (such as promotional rewards) will be listed as sent/received transactions in your trade history, and the transaction details will be reflected in your wallet.
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