Sending crypto assets (Travel rule-related)

Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) refers to service providers that receive crypto asset transfers on behalf of the recipient, including crypto-asset exchange service providers as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 8 of the Payment Services Act, as well as foreign crypto-asset exchange service providers as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 9 of the same Act.

Visit this site for a list of VASPs located in Japan.
- Only available in Japanese.
- Selecting the link will move you to an external site.

Wallets managed by the recipient
Refers to wallets for which the recipient manages the private keys and can directly execute the transfer of crypto assets. Examples include hardware wallets and software wallets owned outside of those provided by VASPs (such as MetaMask).

If you're using a VASP, your wallet is not considered a wallet managed by the recipient since private key management is entrusted to the service provider.

Please contact the receiving wallet service provider if you're not sure about the wallet type.

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