Sending crypto assets (Travel rule-related)

Enter the recipient's name (or company name) in full-width katakana.


- If the recipient has a middle name, be sure to enter it.

- If the recipient's first and last name are not separated, enter their name in the "Last name" field and a half-width hyphen ("-") in the "First name" field.


Refer to the examples below when entering the company type.


Japanese companies

Enter the company name as it's written in its local language (excluding the company type) and its reading in katakana, then select whether the company type appears before or after the company name.
- Include the company type when entering the company name in English.
- For example, if the company is LINE Xenesis 株式会社, enter the company name as "LINE Xenesis", in katakana as "ライン ジェネシス", and in English as “LINE Xenesis Corporation”.

Foreign companies

Enter the company name as it's written in its local language (including the company type) and in katakana.

- For entering the company name in katakana, enter the reading of the company's English name.
- If you're not sure how the company's name is written in its local language, enter what you think the name is in English in this section, as well.
- For example, if the company name in its local language is Abc Oy., enter the company name as "Abc Oy.", in katakana as "エービーシー リミテッド", and in English as "Abc Ltd.".

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