Receiving crypto assets (Travel rule-related)

When crypto assets are sent to your address, we will ask you to confirm sender information via a notice from the LINE BITMAX Notifications (LINE BITMAXお知らせ) official LINE account.

If you receive a request from us to confirm sender information, respond promptly from the declaration form via the link in the notice. If you don't respond or depending on the details of your response, we may not be able to reflect the received crypto assets to your account.
- You'll be sent a notification every Monday around 11 am from the LINE BITMAX Notifications official LINE account until you respond.
- The declaration form is different for each time you receive crypto assets. If you received multiple requests to confirm sender information, be sure to respond by filling out every declaration form.

If you received an unfamiliar notification or crypto assets for an unfamiliar transaction, please contact us at any time via this Inquiry Form.

Note: We do not currently offer chat support with an operator.

Related Help articles:
Receiving crypto assets in relation to the travel rule
Receiving crypto assets

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