You can deposit money to LINE BITMAX by transferring it to our dedicated account.
Steps to deposit money (JPY) to LINE BITMAX:
1. On the LINE BITMAX main menu, tap
Transfers >
Deposit under メイン口座:日本円 (Spot account: JPY) >
Deposit via bank account.
2. Use the account that appears on-screen to complete your deposit.
- There is a fixed service charge for each bank.
- Deposits from your LINE Pay balance or debit payments from a bank account registered to your LINE Pay account can no longer be made as of December 19, 2024.
- You can only use deposits made with the PayPay account linking service for market orders on the brokerage service.
For detailed instructions with screenshots, see the following post on LINE BITMAX's official blog. (Only available in Japanese.)
Deposit/withdrawal methods you can choose on LINE BITMAX
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