Search Help articles


    Purchasing tickets

    Checking a ticket's expiration and renewal date

    Is there a way to automatically renew tickets instead of having to buy one all the time?

    About subscription plans

    The ticket I purchased in the LINE MUSIC app doesn't appear

    Can I purchase another ticket while using my current ticket?

    What will happen to the tickets I've purchased if I don't use the service?

    I didn't get tickets for the six-month free subscription plan (6カ月無料特典プラン)

    The setting needed to purchase a student discount ticket

    Conditions for getting a student discount

    Attaching images of your student ID

    What should I do if my student status isn't verified?

    An error message appears and I can't purchase a ticket

    I paid with carrier billing/credit card, but didn't receive a payment confirmation email

    Help center

